If The Most High made man in his image...WHY would he be a "jealous God who wanted us to worship/praise him"? I mean, seriously, the more I break thru the things I have been TAUGHT and programmed, I see clearly. That would make no SENSE. I mean, The Most High is not a MAN, and does everything in decency and in order right? So then, why would it make something that it has COMPLETE and utter control of, just to be envious and needy for its affection/love? this is another way that MAN has mis-represented and manipulated the TRUTH to humanity. Truth is for one, the original man/woman on earth HAS to be BLACK why?? because all colors combined make black, the ABSENCE of black and dilution if its power is where we get all other colors right? you can NEVER get a color out of white, and so therefore white people are actually the most inferior race..but the biggest trick ever that they pulled, was convincing people of color that it was vice verca...get it? its simple science...not opinion, not RACISM, or bigotry or my own bias perspective,..SCIENCE, FACTS, LOGIC.
Secondly, We were created with ALL power..this is what ALL the "greats" before us have tried to show us. the power of our actions and decisions fueled by our words and thoughts, makes us the masters of this world..if we choose. however the "powers that be" seek to keep people enslaved and ignorant tothis knowledge and so they do whatever is necessary in very clever and conniving ways, to keep people bound! Truth is, there is a perfect science and equation to EVERYTHING in this thing called "life" it is just up to us to use our divine wisdom and discernment to understand it. Nothing is by chance, everything happens for a reason, everything is connected...Period.
Thirdly, and last for today..."We have nothing to fear...but FEAR itself". Fear is actually our own worst enemy. If we can get to the point where we sucessfully eliminate fear from our psyche, our actions and thoughts...we will be FREE to be once again, who we were created to be! Fear is what drives all negative behaviors and results. Fear is what prohibits the joy, peace and abundance that is our BIRTHRIGHT. Fear is the very opposite of LOVE and love BEARS all things...love is the answer to everything! If we walk in love, talk in love, live in love, BE in love...then and only then will we embrace and demand our divine rights and freedom!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Talk with The Most High...
OK so, I am aware that most people will find it hard to believe, but one day, last winter 2008...i had a real conversation with the Most High...meaning, I asked, and The Most High spoke, i typed as much as I could as the conversation went on for hours, and this is what u will read. Some of the content might offend/upset most traditionalists/religious ones. Also, some of it might sound "far fetched" and absurd to man
y. But i have absolutely no reason to lie, or make this up, and quite honestly, i share this only because the spirit of the Most High has instructed me that now is the time...so here it is, i pray that u read it in love and in spirit. I ask The Most High to lead you into ALL truth and revelation. This is my prayer for you. Peace~ Helen Marie

At What Point Did this Become NORMAL?
The opposite of love is fear and it is evident in our community and unfortunately in a lot of organized religions. Throughout history, people in “power” have used this very thing (which is totally “anti-christ”) to oppress and manipulate a group of people… Man has been able to misconstrue the very definition of love with his/her own selfishness, greed, personal “logic” and prejudice.
At what point did it become normal for people to think it is ok to use The Most High, and his word, as a “vehicle” in which to infuse insecurities, a desire for control, and fear-based teachings into the heart of others?
It’s a frightening realization when large groups of people look to any man as their “medium” to understand and communicate with The Most High…its a troubling thing when masses of people….don’t even THINK to question words that their leaders speak…putting all trust in man, neglecting the intuition/discernment that is their birthright!
It is heart-breaking when so many people are searching for love, acceptance and guidance that they will submit to a leadership and teaching that promotes the very opposite of what they are searching for….to find The Most High/Love.
Many often join churches/temples/mosques and follow man-made doctrine all in the name of “finding God”. Meanwhile living their life, thinking they are “getting it” but in reality, having a “form of Godliness, but denying the power thereof”….( note: I am not attributing these observations to every single church/temple/mosque, but only directing it towards the ones that are applicable. It is up to you, the reader to use your own discernment in regards to determining if this may apply to your “place of worship”.)
I am frustrated right now to see such an enormous amount of people, who are clearly under leadership that is founded upon selfish, chauvinistic motives and agendas! I am saddened that they are so blind and oblivious and that this is a growing matter…I pray to The Most High, when will people begin to see YOU????
Most High… I just don’t understand why we for so long do not see the truth…my heart hurts right now…its like you are constantly showing us you but we are so distracted by the illusion, and what other people want us to think, that we cannot even hear you!
What if we came to church/temple/mosque and we just were silent…would we hear you then??...What if we used the Bible as our reference point but truly worshiped you in Spirit and in Truth?…
What if we all truly understood that to “study to show ourselves approved” is found within the balance of studying who you are in relation to ourselves, while over-standing that we can’t just read and study all day, we must also learn to follow what your spirit is telling us and to move in that understanding. “ Faith without works is dead”.
Most High you are so unorthodox and unconventional…how can we seriously think it is sufficient in these times, not to continuously pray and seek your will regarding our existence? The audacity of corrupt “leaders” and false prophets who speak “for you”, and come in your name…as if they are fully enlightened beings about your plan and your will…gives me a bitter taste! Our simple brains can not ever fully comprehend all there is to know about you… their deception lies in the illusion of being “all knowing” yet even underneath this perceived astuteness, lies the reality, that most have no clue as to where the truth lies!
So I ask again, at what point did all of this become “normal”, and when will love bear all things and truth prevail…I wait in good faith….for LOVE.
2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”
At what point did it become normal for people to think it is ok to use The Most High, and his word, as a “vehicle” in which to infuse insecurities, a desire for control, and fear-based teachings into the heart of others?
It’s a frightening realization when large groups of people look to any man as their “medium” to understand and communicate with The Most High…its a troubling thing when masses of people….don’t even THINK to question words that their leaders speak…putting all trust in man, neglecting the intuition/discernment that is their birthright!
It is heart-breaking when so many people are searching for love, acceptance and guidance that they will submit to a leadership and teaching that promotes the very opposite of what they are searching for….to find The Most High/Love.
Many often join churches/temples/mosques and follow man-made doctrine all in the name of “finding God”. Meanwhile living their life, thinking they are “getting it” but in reality, having a “form of Godliness, but denying the power thereof”….( note: I am not attributing these observations to every single church/temple/mosque, but only directing it towards the ones that are applicable. It is up to you, the reader to use your own discernment in regards to determining if this may apply to your “place of worship”.)
I am frustrated right now to see such an enormous amount of people, who are clearly under leadership that is founded upon selfish, chauvinistic motives and agendas! I am saddened that they are so blind and oblivious and that this is a growing matter…I pray to The Most High, when will people begin to see YOU????
Most High… I just don’t understand why we for so long do not see the truth…my heart hurts right now…its like you are constantly showing us you but we are so distracted by the illusion, and what other people want us to think, that we cannot even hear you!
What if we came to church/temple/mosque and we just were silent…would we hear you then??...What if we used the Bible as our reference point but truly worshiped you in Spirit and in Truth?…
What if we all truly understood that to “study to show ourselves approved” is found within the balance of studying who you are in relation to ourselves, while over-standing that we can’t just read and study all day, we must also learn to follow what your spirit is telling us and to move in that understanding. “ Faith without works is dead”.
Most High you are so unorthodox and unconventional…how can we seriously think it is sufficient in these times, not to continuously pray and seek your will regarding our existence? The audacity of corrupt “leaders” and false prophets who speak “for you”, and come in your name…as if they are fully enlightened beings about your plan and your will…gives me a bitter taste! Our simple brains can not ever fully comprehend all there is to know about you… their deception lies in the illusion of being “all knowing” yet even underneath this perceived astuteness, lies the reality, that most have no clue as to where the truth lies!
So I ask again, at what point did all of this become “normal”, and when will love bear all things and truth prevail…I wait in good faith….for LOVE.
2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”
Christmas Eve...
It is Christmas eve, and I am alone in tiffany’s house. I find it hard right now to describe my emotions. What I do know is that nothing will ever be the same for me…I am beginning to understand things that far surpass my age and experience, and apart of that truly scares me…I have never felt so alone…but in true essence I know that in this state of being lies the actuality that I am closer to the Most High than ever before in my life. And that understanding gives me peace.
I have reached a place where I am realizing how ugly of a people we have become. And I must know that history always repeats itself. And so the stories of Noah and Babel must come to life again, this is the way of the universe. It is constantly in pursuit of order and balance. I am confused right now as to what exactly to believe in. all I know for sure is that universal laws will not ever be broken, it is the will and perfect wisdom of the Most High, and I have faith that The Most High is not a man that he can lie…
That being said, with me knowing that an end is near, I cant help but to feel a mixture of emotions. Sad because one day I will lose my family…sad because I don’t quite know if I want to bring children into a world so ugly and full of hate and sad because we have all the power and opportunity to be so great and to exhibit God’s love, but yet the majority of the time, we do not…and due to this understanding,,,I cry.
I am angry. Angry that evil, hellish, demonic, selfish people are allowed to live and thrive and prey on the children of the Almighty creator, mean while some of the most beautiful people ever on the face of this earth, are taken away and those who knew them are left with only fragments of who they were…Angry because so many innocent, BEAUTIFUL, loving people are literally preyed on by the enemy, “as sheep for the slaughter” and victimized and attacked, simply for being who they truly are “the light of the world” the “salt of the earth” while the enemy continues to boast and create a mockery of everything that is righteous and lovely and true.
I am frustrated, because right now at this very moment I do not know what to…I don’t know what I am supposed to say or where to go..a part of me questions my sanity. The other part of me, the depths of my soul knows I AM NOT CRAZY…but it is as if my whole life has been flipped upside down, and I can barely tell the difference between truth and illusion…It is hard to trust because I can hardly tell sometimes who’s on who’s side…it is hard to connect for me, because I am so TIRED of being drained and depleted. I am frustrated because I know that a vast amount of these fears I am battling right now, this very second, are derived out of my own past decisions, and I know that I could have prevented a lot of this pain I now feel…
In the midst of this sadness, anger and frustration….there is a light…there is a power stronger than I that’s telling me so very clear right now….BE STILL and KNOW that I am NIGH…..KNOW that I AM GOD….there is a force that my logic and knowledge even on its best day…cannot explain or fully describe even if I tried to…and THIS knowing and understanding,,,it gives me HOPE
It gives me HOPE that everything will be ok. That all things work together for the good for them who love The Most High,. It gives me FAITH that The Most High will lead and guide me into ALL TRUTH AND REVELATION….it gives me understanding that when I am WEAK…The Most High is strong…it gives me LOVE to love past this fear…this love is my weaponry right now against the enemy, fear itself.
I choose to love…
I choose to love when I am terrified of being heartbroken
And lied to
I choose to love.
I choose to love
When my very life is depending on it
I still choose to push past my fears
And allow The Most Highs light to fill me
Move me to
And comfort the world…..
I feel as if I dont have anyone I can truly talk to about most things…but I guess this is where The Most High wants me…totally dependent on its love. “My grace is sufficient for thee, my strength is made perfect in weakness” Corinthians. I understand this.
So I sit..I sit still…I quiet my mind…transcend, time and space..allowing The Most High, Almighty to fill this place around me…i wait here…to see and hear clear…direction.
It is Christmas eve, and I am alone in tiffany’s house. I find it hard right now to describe my emotions. What I do know is that nothing will ever be the same for me…I am beginning to understand things that far surpass my age and experience, and apart of that truly scares me…I have never felt so alone…but in true essence I know that in this state of being lies the actuality that I am closer to the Most High than ever before in my life. And that understanding gives me peace.
I have reached a place where I am realizing how ugly of a people we have become. And I must know that history always repeats itself. And so the stories of Noah and Babel must come to life again, this is the way of the universe. It is constantly in pursuit of order and balance. I am confused right now as to what exactly to believe in. all I know for sure is that universal laws will not ever be broken, it is the will and perfect wisdom of the Most High, and I have faith that The Most High is not a man that he can lie…
That being said, with me knowing that an end is near, I cant help but to feel a mixture of emotions. Sad because one day I will lose my family…sad because I don’t quite know if I want to bring children into a world so ugly and full of hate and sad because we have all the power and opportunity to be so great and to exhibit God’s love, but yet the majority of the time, we do not…and due to this understanding,,,I cry.
I am angry. Angry that evil, hellish, demonic, selfish people are allowed to live and thrive and prey on the children of the Almighty creator, mean while some of the most beautiful people ever on the face of this earth, are taken away and those who knew them are left with only fragments of who they were…Angry because so many innocent, BEAUTIFUL, loving people are literally preyed on by the enemy, “as sheep for the slaughter” and victimized and attacked, simply for being who they truly are “the light of the world” the “salt of the earth” while the enemy continues to boast and create a mockery of everything that is righteous and lovely and true.
I am frustrated, because right now at this very moment I do not know what to…I don’t know what I am supposed to say or where to go..a part of me questions my sanity. The other part of me, the depths of my soul knows I AM NOT CRAZY…but it is as if my whole life has been flipped upside down, and I can barely tell the difference between truth and illusion…It is hard to trust because I can hardly tell sometimes who’s on who’s side…it is hard to connect for me, because I am so TIRED of being drained and depleted. I am frustrated because I know that a vast amount of these fears I am battling right now, this very second, are derived out of my own past decisions, and I know that I could have prevented a lot of this pain I now feel…
In the midst of this sadness, anger and frustration….there is a light…there is a power stronger than I that’s telling me so very clear right now….BE STILL and KNOW that I am NIGH…..KNOW that I AM GOD….there is a force that my logic and knowledge even on its best day…cannot explain or fully describe even if I tried to…and THIS knowing and understanding,,,it gives me HOPE
It gives me HOPE that everything will be ok. That all things work together for the good for them who love The Most High,. It gives me FAITH that The Most High will lead and guide me into ALL TRUTH AND REVELATION….it gives me understanding that when I am WEAK…The Most High is strong…it gives me LOVE to love past this fear…this love is my weaponry right now against the enemy, fear itself.
I choose to love…
I choose to love when I am terrified of being heartbroken
And lied to
I choose to love.
I choose to love
When my very life is depending on it
I still choose to push past my fears
And allow The Most Highs light to fill me
Move me to
And comfort the world…..
I feel as if I dont have anyone I can truly talk to about most things…but I guess this is where The Most High wants me…totally dependent on its love. “My grace is sufficient for thee, my strength is made perfect in weakness” Corinthians. I understand this.
So I sit..I sit still…I quiet my mind…transcend, time and space..allowing The Most High, Almighty to fill this place around me…i wait here…to see and hear clear…direction.
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