Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Thought of the Day...

If The Most High made man in his image...WHY would he be a "jealous God who wanted us to worship/praise him"? I mean, seriously, the more I break thru the things I have been TAUGHT and programmed, I see clearly. That would make no SENSE. I mean, The Most High is not a MAN, and does everything in decency and in order right? So then, why would it make something that it has COMPLETE and utter control of, just to be envious and needy for its affection/love? this is another way that MAN has mis-represented and manipulated the TRUTH to humanity. Truth is for one, the original man/woman on earth HAS to be BLACK why?? because all colors combined make black, the ABSENCE of black and dilution if its power is where we get all other colors right? you can NEVER get a color out of white, and so therefore white people are actually the most inferior race..but the biggest trick ever that they pulled, was convincing people of color that it was vice verca...get it? its simple science...not opinion, not RACISM, or bigotry or my own bias perspective,..SCIENCE, FACTS, LOGIC.

Secondly, We were created with ALL power..this is what ALL the "greats" before us have tried to show us. the power of our actions and decisions fueled by our words and thoughts, makes us the masters of this world..if we choose. however the "powers that be" seek to keep people enslaved and ignorant tothis knowledge and so they do whatever is necessary in very clever and conniving ways, to keep people bound! Truth is, there is a perfect science and equation to EVERYTHING in this thing called "life" it is just up to us to use our divine wisdom and discernment to understand it. Nothing is by chance, everything happens for a reason, everything is connected...Period.

Thirdly, and last for today..."We have nothing to fear...but FEAR itself". Fear is actually our own worst enemy. If we can get to the point where we sucessfully eliminate fear from our psyche, our actions and thoughts...we will be FREE to be once again, who we were created to be! Fear is what drives all negative behaviors and results. Fear is what prohibits the joy, peace and abundance that is our BIRTHRIGHT. Fear is the very opposite of LOVE and love BEARS all things...love is the answer to everything! If we walk in love, talk in love, live in love, BE in love...then and only then will we embrace and demand our divine rights and freedom!
